Awards & Commendations

Our eventful journey since 1973 is adorned with numerous milestones, achievements and awards, which we cherish. These awards are a reflection of the high brand equity we command in the market as well as the admiration and respect we have earned over the years. STIC has won numerous awards from government institutions, industry associations and also from the airlines it represents. Some of these awards are:
Government & Industry Recognition:
- Niryat Shri Award instituted by the Ministry of Commerce presented by the Vice President of India. STIC was the only company in the industry to receive the same for "excellence"
- National Tourism Award (category III) 2001-2002 for outstanding performance in the year
- South Asia Travel & Tourism Exchange - award for "Ambassador for India Tourism" presented by Ms. Ambika Soni (Minister of Tourism)
- Gem of India award - presented by Late President of India - Giani Zail Singh
Commercial awards
- 14 Awards received from Continental Airlines for "World's Best GSA"
- Multiple awards received from SriLankan Airlines for "Sales Performance"
- Cargo award for sales performance - received from SriLankan Airlines Cargo in the year 2002-2003
- Sales performance award - from Royal Brunei Airlines
- Today's Traveler Leadership Award presented by Tourism Minister, Smt. Ambika Soni to Mr. Subhash Goyal, Chairman STIC Travel Group
- "World's Best GSA" Award being presented to Chairman & MD of STIC Travel Group by Continental Airlines in Houston (2003).
- Niryat Shri Award instituted by the Ministry of Commerce. Being presented by the Vice President of India to Chairman & MD of STIC Travel Group. STIC was the only company in the industry to receive the same for "excellence".
- Mr. L. K. Advani (Deputy Prime Minister) releases Chairman's book titled "Poverty Eradication and Economic Development through Tourism".
- South Asian Travel & Tourism Exchange (SATTE) conferred the "Ambassador of India Tourism" award to Mr. Subhash Goyal, Chairman STIC Travel Group.